Identity - Authorization

0 % Identity - Authorization items are ✓
  • For AKS to download/pull images from Azure Container Registry (ACR), it needs the ACR credentials including the password. To avoid saving the password in the cluster, you can simply activate the ACR integration on new or existing AKS cluster using SPN or Managed Identity


Cluster security

0 % Cluster security items are ✓
  • It can be done with the following CLI: az aks disable-addons --addons kube-dashboard --resource-group RG_NAME --name CLUSTER_NAME


      • SECURITY
      • SECRETS
      • SECURITY
      • SECURITY
      • SECURITY
      • SECURITY
      • SECURITY
    • It's common to use pipelines to build and deploy images on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters. While great for image creation, this process often doesn't account for the stale images left behind and can lead to image bloat on cluster nodes. These images can present security issues as they may contain vulnerabilities. By cleaning these unreferenced images, you can remove an area of risk in your clusters. When done manually, this process can be time intensive, which ImageCleaner can mitigate via automatic image identification and removal.

      • SECURITY
      • SECURITY
    • Documentation

      • SECRETS

    Multi-Tenant - Isolation

    0 % Multi-Tenant - Isolation items are ✓
    • Documentation

    • Documentation

        • OPERATIONS
        • FINOPS


      0 % Storage items are ✓
        • STORAGE
      • Different types and sizes of nodes are available. Each node (underlying VM) size provides a different amount of core resources such as CPU and memory. These VM sizes have a maximum number of disks that can be attached. Storage performance also varies between VM sizes for the maximum local and attached disk IOPS (input/output operations per second). If your applications require Azure Disks as their storage solution, plan for and choose an appropriate node VM size. The amount of CPU and memory isn't the only factor when you choose a VM size. The storage capabilities are also important.

        • STORAGE
        • STORAGE
      • Understand the limitations of the different approaches to data backups and if you need to quiesce your data prior to snapshot. Data backups don't necessarily let you restore your application environment of cluster deployment.

        • STORAGE
        • RESILIENCY
      • Service state refers to the in-memory or on-disk data that a service requires to function. State includes the data structures and member variables that the service reads and writes. Depending on how the service is architected, the state might also include files or other resources that are stored on the disk. For example, the state might include the files a database uses to store data and transaction logs.

        • STORAGE
        • RESILIENCY
      • You will also get faster cluster operations like scale or upgrade thanks to faster re-imaging and boot times

        • STORAGE
        • RESILIENCY
      • One major benefit of ultra disks is the ability to dynamically change the performance of the SSD along with your workloads without the need to restart your agent nodes. Ultra disks are suited for data-intensive workloads.

        • STORAGE
        • RESILIENCY
      • Service state refers to the in-memory or on-disk data that a service requires to function. State includes the data structures and member variables that the service reads and writes. Depending on how the service is architected, the state might also include files or other resources that are stored on the disk. For example, the state might include the files a database uses to store data and transaction logs.

        • STORAGE
        • RESILIENCY
        • STORAGE
        • RESILIENCY
        • STORAGE
        • RESILIENCY


      0 % Networking items are ✓
      • While Kubenet is the default Kubernetes network plugin, the Container Networking Interface (CNI) is a vendor-neutral protocol that lets the container runtime make requests to a network provider. The Azure CNI assigns IP addresses to pods and nodes, and provides IP address management (IPAM) features as you connect to existing Azure virtual networks. Each node and pod resource receives an IP address in the Azure virtual network, and no additional routing is needed to communicate with other resources or services.

        • NETWORK
      • As an example, using CNI, you need one IP for each node + one spare for a new node in case of cluster upgrade, and you need an IP for each pod which can represent hundred of IP addresses

        • NETWORK
        • NETWORK
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
      • Network policy is a Kubernetes feature that lets you control the traffic flow between pods. You can choose to allow or deny traffic based on settings such as assigned labels, namespace, or traffic port. The use of network policies gives a cloud-native way to control the flow of traffic. As pods are dynamically created in an AKS cluster, the required network policies can be automatically applied. Don't use Azure network security groups to control pod-to-pod traffic, use network policies.

        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
      • By using a private cluster, you can ensure that network traffic between your API server and your node pools remains on the private network only. Because the API server has a private address, it means that to access it for administration or for deployment, you need to set up private connection, like using a 'jumpbox' (i.e.: Azure Bastion)

        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
      • If you have multiple AKS clusters in different regions, use Traffic Manager to control how traffic flows to the applications that run in each cluster. Azure Traffic Manager is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that can distribute network traffic across regions. Use Traffic Manager to route users based on cluster response time or based on geography. It can be used to improve app availability with automatic failover

        • NETWORK
        • RESILIENCY
      • These IP addresses must be unique across your network space, and must be planned in advance. Each node has a configuration parameter for the maximum number of pods that it supports.

        • IPAM
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
      • Documentation

        • NETWORK
      • The new dynamic IP allocation capability in Azure CNI solves this problem by allocating pod IPs from a subnet separate from the subnet hosting the AKS cluster.

        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • OPERATIONS
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK
        • SECURITY
        • NETWORK

      Resource Management

      0 % Resource Management items are ✓
      • Kubernetes has built-in components to scale the replica and node count. However, if your application needs to rapidly scale, the horizontal pod autoscaler may schedule more pods than can be provided by the existing compute resources in the node pool.

        • OPERATIONS
        • FINOPS
      • Choosing on one hand between easy management and big blast radius, and on the other end to focus on high replication, low impact but worse resources optimization

        • RESOURCES
        • OPERATIONS
      • Resource requests and limits are placed in the pod specification. These limits are used by the Kubernetes scheduler at deployment time to find an available node in the cluster. But developers can forget them and thus impact other applications by over-consuming resources of the cluster

        • RESILIENCY
      • Documentation

        • RESILIENCY
      • When you specify limits for CPU and memory, each takes a different action when it reaches the specified limit. With CPU limits, the container is throttled from using more than its specified limit. With memory limits, the pod is restarted if it reaches its limit. The pod might be restarted on the same host or a different host within the cluster.

        • RESILIENCY
      • At some point in time, Kubernetes might need to evict pods from a host. There are two types of evictions: voluntary and involuntary disruptions. Involuntary disruptions can be caused by hardware failure, network partitions, kernel panics, or a node being out of resources. Voluntary evictions can be caused by performing maintenance on the cluster, the Cluster Autoscaler deallocating nodes, or updating pod templates. To minimize the impact to your application, you can set a PodDisruptionBudget to ensure uptime of the application when pods need to be evicted. A PodDisruptionBudget allows you to set a policy on the minimum available and maximum unavailable pods during voluntary eviction events. An example of a voluntary eviction would be when draining a node to perform maintenance on the node.

        • RESILIENCY
        • COST
        • FINOPS
        • COST
        • FINOPS
        • COST
        • FINOPS
        • COST
        • FINOPS
        • RESOURCES
        • COST
        • RESOURCES

      Cluster Operations

      0 % Cluster Operations items are ✓
      • Using automation and this method will ensure that all your nodes are consistently up to date with last features/fixes/patchs, without having to upgrade the kubernetes version. An alternative could be to use Kured to reboot nodes with pending reboots but it will only patch the Operating System, not the AKS layer

        • SECURITY
        • OPERATIONS
        • WINDOWS
      • Be careful, by using PPG on a nodepool, you reduce the average SLA of your application since they don't rely on availability zones anymore

        • OPERATIONS
      • This feature enables:Azure Resource Manager-based deployment of extensions, including at-scale deployments across AKS clusters but also lifecycle management of the extension (Update, Delete) from Azure Resource Manager.

        • OPERATIONS
        • OPERATIONS
        • SECURITY
        • OPERATIONS
        • OPERATIONS
        • MONITORING
        • OPERATIONS
      • Typically, to use Prometheus, you need to set up and manage a Prometheus server with a store. By integrating with Azure Monitor, a Prometheus server is not required. You just need to expose the Prometheus metrics endpoint through your exporters or pods (application), and the containerized agent for Azure Monitor for containers can scrape the metrics for you.

        • MONITORING
        • OPERATIONS
        • MONITORING
        • OPERATIONS
        • OPERATIONS
      • You can enable autoscaling module per node pool but only create one mutual autoscale profile

        • RESOURCES
        • FINOPS
      • On Azure you can for instance use Azure Arc for Kubernetes but also directly GitOps addon for AKS

        • OPERATIONS
        • OPERATIONS
        • OPERATIONS
        • OPERATIONS
      • Documentation

        • OPERATIONS
      • When you create an AKS cluster or add a node pool to your cluster, you can customize a subset of commonly used OS and kubelet settings.

        • Using command invoke allows you to remotely invoke commands like kubectl and helm on your private cluster through the Azure API without directly connecting to the cluster.

          • COMPLIANCE
          • MONITORING
          • MONITORING
          • COST
          • FINOPS
          • MONITORING
          • COMPLIANCE
          • COST
          • FINOPS
          • MONITORING
          • COMPLIANCE
        • Documentation

          • OPERATIONS
          • MONITORING
          • COMPLIANCE
          • SECURITY
          • MONITORING
          • MONITORING
          • SCALABILITY
          • COST
          • OPERATIONS
          • FINOPS
          • MONITORING
          • SECURITY
          • MONITORING
          • SECURITY
          • MONITORING
          • SECURITY
          • MONITORING
        • Documentation

          • MONITORING
        • Documentation

          • MONITORING

        Biz continuity - disaster recovery

        0 % Biz continuity - disaster recovery items are ✓
          • RESILIENCY
        • In case of an emergency, a security flaw or datacenter failure, it's mandatory for you to be able to restore/create a new environment properly configured in a fully automated way

          • RESILIENCY
          • DEVOPS
          • RESILIENCY
          • RESILIENCY
          • RESILIENCY
          • NETWORK
          • RESILIENCY
          • STORAGE
        • Customers needing an SLA to meet compliance requirements or require extending an SLA to their end users should enable this feature. Customers with critical workloads that will benefit from a higher uptime SLA may also benefit. Using the Uptime SLA feature with Availability Zones enables a higher availability for the uptime of the Kubernetes API server.

          • RESILIENCY
        • Customers needing an SLA to meet compliance requirements or require extending an SLA to their end users should enable this feature. Customers with critical workloads that will benefit from a higher uptime SLA may also benefit. Using the Uptime SLA feature with Availability Zones enables a higher availability for the uptime of the Kubernetes API server.

          • RESILIENCY
        • As a best practice, placing a container registry in each region where images are run allows network-close operations, enabling fast, reliable image layer transfers. Geo-replication enables an Azure container registry to function as a single registry, serving multiple regions with multi-master regional registries.

          • RESILIENCY
          • RESILIENCY
        • Although you might experiment with a specific host type, such as Azure Container Instances, you’ll likely want to delete the container instance when you’re done. However, you might also want to keep the collection of images you pushed to Azure Container Registry. By placing your registry in its own resource group, you minimize the risk of accidentally deleting the collection of images in the registry when you delete the container instance resource group.


            0 % Windows items are ✓
              • WINDOWS
              • WINDOWS
              • WINDOWS
              • WINDOWS
              • WINDOWS
              • WINDOWS
              • WINDOWS
              • IDENTITY
              • WINDOWS
              • SECURITY
              • APPLICATION
              • WINDOWS
              • COMPLIANCE
              • WINDOWS
              • SECURITY
              • COMPLIANCE
              • WINDOWS
              • OPERATIONS
              • WINDOWS

            Application deployment

            0 % Application deployment items are ✓
              • APPLICATION
              • APPLICATION
              • APPLICATION
              • APPLICATION
            • Documentation

              • APPLICATION
            • Documentation

              • APPLICATION
              • RESILIENCY
              • SECURITY
            • When pods need access to other Azure services, such as Cosmos DB, Key Vault, or Blob Storage, the pod needs access credentials. These access credentials could be defined with the container image or injected as a Kubernetes secret, but need to be manually created and assigned. Often, the credentials are reused across pods, and aren't regularly rotated. Managed identities for Azure resources (currently implemented as an associated AKS open source project) let you automatically request access to services through Azure AD. You don't manually define credentials for pods, instead they request an access token in real time, and can use it to access only their assigned services.

              • IDENTITY
              • SECURITY
              • APPLICATION
            • Documentation

              • SECURITY
              • APPLICATION
              • MULTI-TENANCY
              • RESOURCES
              • APPLICATION
              • MULTI-TENANCY
            • You should also disable mounting credentials by default (automountServiceAccountToken)

              • SECURITY
              • RESOURCES
              • SECURITY
              • SECURITY
              • SECURITY
            • Use a tool that allows for the restriction of builds with enough granularity to not break development. All Critical CVE's are not the same, so being able to restrict builds based on Critical or High vulnerabilities with a Vendor fix, but allowing builds to continue if that Critical vulnerability is 'Open'

              • SECURITY
            • Identifying an image running as 'root' before it get deployed, or opening up port 80 or 22

              • SECURITY
              • APPLICATION
              • APPLICATION
              • RESILIENCY
              • APPLICATION
            • Documentation

              • APPLICATION
              • RESILIENCY
              • IAC
              • APPLICATION
              • APPLICATION
              • IAC
            • Documentation

              • APPLICATION

            Image management

            0 % Image management items are ✓
              • SECURITY
              • SECURITY
              • SECURITY
            • On build, the image is secured based on the threshold set, but now while in the registry a new issue is discovered. You need to ensure that the image can not be deployed until the issue is remediated.


              • SECURITY
              • SECURITY
              • SECURITY
              • NETWORK
            • 'Distroless' images are bare-bones versions of common base images. They have the bare-minimum needed to execute a binary.The shell and other developer utilities have been removed so that if/when an attacker gains control of your container, they can't do much of anything

              • SECURITY
              • RESOURCES

            Report and navigation

            • 0/51 ✓ high priority
            • 0/72 ✓ medium priority
            • 0/44 ✓ low priority